
Adult Dance Classes in NW Calgary

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Fitness-Focused Dance for Adults

At Premiere Dance Academy, we believe that dance should be enjoyed by all ages. Although our intensive dance training programs are reserved for dancers up to age 18, we offer a variety of just-for-fun and fitness-focused classes for adults over 18.

Whether you used to dance, have recently retired, or have no experience – there’s a class for you! Our adult classes are designed to help improve strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility while providing a fun and low-pressure environment to get some exercise!

Our adult classes are structured to be easy enough for a beginner, but challenging enough to still give you a killer workout! They also give you an opportunity to meet other adults with a shared passion for dance in a casual setting.

Adult Class Offerings

For more information on our adult classes, including dates and registration, please contact us!

Proudly Serving NW Calgary for Over 40 Years

Where to Find Us?

Visit Our New State of the Art Facility at The Link at Royal Vista

Location & Parking

We have a private parking lot and are located across from Renert School.


#310 – 19 Royal Vista Link NW
Calgary, AB T3R 0K4


Phone: 403-286-8561
[email protected]

Office Hours

4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
No Office – Staff Messages Only
9 AM1 PM

Subject to change due to Covid-19

Programs & Workshops

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