
Dance Camps, Birthday Parties & More in NW Calgary

Register Today

Fun Ways to Stay Active

Premiere Dance Academy offers fantastic workshops and camps throughout the season for children to make lifelong friendships and share the love of dance.

Camps are designed to help dancers of all skill sets come together. Dancers can build social skills and confidence while trying something new or refining their repertoire.

All of our camps & workshops are designed to be fun and diverse. We offer various genres, levels, and opportunities. Call us today and let us help you find the right fit for your family.

Upcoming Events

We are excited to be reopening our studio for Classes and Workshops.

New to dance? Want to give dance a try? All interested dancers welcome!
We are following AHS guidelines and restrictions while keeping your dancers safe, strong and healthy while they pursue their love of dance.

For more information on our upcoming dance camps, including dates and registration, please contact us!



SDI 2025 – Stay Tuned

Summer Camps

Proudly Serving NW Calgary for Over 40 Years

Where to Find Us?

Visit Our New State of the Art Facility at The Link at Royal Vista

Location & Parking

We have a private parking lot and are located across from Renert School.


#310 – 19 Royal Vista Link NW
Calgary, AB T3R 0K4


Phone: 403-286-8561
[email protected]

Office Hours

4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
No Office – Staff Messages Only
9 AM1 PM

Subject to change due to Covid-19

Programs & Workshops

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