
Irish Dance in NW Calgary

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Irish Dance

Irish Dance is a vibrant and rhythmic dance style that blends intricate footwork with traditional Irish music. This dance form has deep cultural roots in Ireland and is characterized by rapid, precise movements of the feet while maintaining a rigid upper body posture.

Irish Dance encompasses various styles, including solo and group performances, with popular forms like Stepdance and Ceili dancing. Stepdance, often recognized by its fast-paced footwork, is performed in hard and soft shoes, creating a captivating blend of grace and power.

Performance & Competitive Division Opportunities

Our Performance Division dancers are not required to participate in Competitions, but are invited to participate in our Performance Ensemble showcase and/or End-of-Year Recitals should they choose to. Information will be provided to registered dancers during the season.

Our Competitive Team Dancers are chosen and show interest in all Levels, Ages and Dance Genres. The Starting age for our Competitive Teams is 5 Years Old.

This is an opportunity for all dancers to be a part of our Competitive Team of like-minded students and add another exciting and fun experience to their dance training.

We have 2 Streams a Beginner Team called Rising Stars that competes in Calgary and a more Experienced Competitive Dance Team that does travel out of town to other Cities and Provinces.

Interested? For more Information – please call the studio and ask to speak to one of our Studio Artistic Directors

Proudly Serving NW Calgary for Over 40 Years

Where to Find Us?

Visit Our New State of the Art Facility at The Link at Royal Vista

Location & Parking

We have a private parking lot and are located across from Renert School.


#310 – 19 Royal Vista Link NW
Calgary, AB T3R 0K4


Phone: 403-286-8561
[email protected]

Office Hours

4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
No Office – Staff Messages Only
9 AM1 PM

Subject to change due to Covid-19

Programs & Workshops

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