
Programs for Little Dancers in NW Calgary

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Programs for Our Little Dancers

If you are interested in introducing your child to the wonderful world of dance, we are happy to help! Our programs are designed to support your child, incorporating fun, movement, music and dance.

Baby Ballet

Bring your little one with you to explore the wonders of dance! This class is for children 1-2 years old and their parent/guardian, and involves a basic interactive introduction to movement.

This class allows you to meet other families, and experience a fun new activity together!

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Teddy Bears & Tutus

Teddy Bears & Tutus is your dancers first experience at independence as this is a dancer only class offered for 3-year-old beginner dancers. This program involves an introduction to creative movement and dance in a fun and relaxed environment.

Dancers are invited to bring their favourite teddy bear, doll or stuffy with them to class as we explore fun ways to move and shake!

Register for Classes

Stay & Play at PDA

Stay & Play is a new parented activity class. Parents must supervise their child in the space. There is no guided instruction just an opportunity for your child to engage in an indoor playgroup for younger children ages 1-5.

*Please note, Stay & Play is postponed until further notice

Inquire Now

Proudly Serving NW Calgary for Over 40 Years

Where to Find Us?

Visit Our New State of the Art Facility at The Link at Royal Vista

Location & Parking

We have a private parking lot and are located across from Renert School.


#310 – 19 Royal Vista Link NW
Calgary, AB T3R 0K4


Phone: 403-286-8561
[email protected]

Office Hours

4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
4:30 PM8:30 PM
No Office – Staff Messages Only
9 AM1 PM

Subject to change due to Covid-19

Programs & Workshops

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